A downloadable game

Have you ever wanted to make your own forum quest, but been intimidated by the idea of an audience? Do you miss Problem Sleuth? Do you think Homestuck went off the rails when it stopped taking public input? Do you want to use those art supplies you have in the drawer? Would you like plot to be a failure state? Here you go!

This (diceless) tabletop/card game is somewhere between Polaris, 1000 Blank White Cards, and Risus, depending on what angle you look at it from.

This game is obviously based on MS Paint Adventures. It might also resemble any other webcomics with audience participation. Any such resemblances are probably unintentional.

Vital Information

Game is written for 3-6 players; modified rules available for 2 players.

You will need a lot of small cards, preferably half size index cards (though full size index cards, or blank flashcards, will work fine too), a way to write on the index cards, a box substantially larger than all the index cards (I recommend a shoebox), and at least three people (I am pretty sure this will scale to 6, and it might maybe work beyond that if you’re willing to accept a game where most people aren’t on screen very often). Other types of papercraft supplies, like decorative-edge scissors, stickers, or markers, will add to the fun.


Okay then.

-- Lisa

If you are the sort of players who will introduce gratuitous time travel the moment you run out of ideas, and then spend the rest of the session debating how time travel works in this setting...
... when it's not even a time-themed game...
... this may be the system for you!

-- Toph

Given a rigidly constrained set of plot elements, how long can you spend faffing about and not advancing the plot, like when you get the airship in a JRPG and spend a full ten hours watering people's plants for gimmick equipment you proceed to never use?
And by 'rigidly constrained,' I mean 'write words down on an index card, now it's a plot element.'

-- Polter


What Will You Do.pdf 98 kB